Do you know how to calculate Dam Water Capacity in Real Time?
1 liter of water = 1000milli liter water
1 cusecs =?
Cusec is a measure of flow rate and is informal shorthand for "cubic feet per second"(28.317 litres per second).
1 cusec = Flowing or Running 28.37 litre – per second.
1 cusec = 1 கன அடி
How do I calculate 1 TMC water?
TMC refers to “Thousand Million Cubic Feet”.
1 Cubic Feet = 1ft x 1ft x 1ft = 0.3048 m x 0.3048 m x 0.3048 m = 0.02831684 m^3.
Since, 1 m^3 = 1000 litres.
Therefore, 0.0283164 m^3 = 0.0283164 x 1000 = 28.3164 litres.
Also, Thousand = 1000 = 10^3
And, Million = 1000000 = 10^6
1 TMC = 10^3 x 10^6 x 28.3164 = 28.3164 x 10^9 litres of Water.
I cubic feet of water corresponds to 28 litres approximately.
1 thousand million means 1 billion
Hence 1 TMC corresponds to 28 billion litres of water
How To Calculate Dam Water Storage Capacity ?
- Land managers need to know how much water is stored in their dams to manage water supply for livestock, spraying and other uses.
- The critical supply period is over summer and autumn when evaporation is high, and demand from livestock, irrigation or household use increases.
- Knowledge of your dam(s) storage capacity is also required if you plan to develop or expand an existing or new enterprise on the property. This page provides the steps needed to accurately calculate dam capacity and water volume in small farm dams (excavated tanks).
Measuring the dimensions of your dam
With a few tools and some preparation, this method gives a good estimate of dam capacity. You will need:
- 20–30m of surveyor tape (depending on the size of the dam)
- lightweight rope — long enough to reach from one side of the dam to the other
- binoculars
- an assistant
- notebook and pencil.
Step 1
Take half the length of rope and make loops every metre. The rope serves 2 purposes: it will support the surveyors tape and is a measuring device. The loops should be large enough to easily thread the tape.
Step 2
Thread the tape through the loops, so the rope can support it for most of the distance across the longest side of the dam. Be careful to avoid twisting the rope and tape, which will prevent the free movement of the tape through the loops.
Step 3
Tie a weight to the end of the tape to help it sink.
Step 4
Ask your assistant to take one end of the rope and walk to the opposite side of the dam. Your end will have the loops and the threaded tape.
Step 5
When in position let out the tape until it hits the bottom of the dam. Read the water depth on the tape at the water surface using the binoculars.
Step 6
Move the equipment and measure the depth again until you find the edge of the deepest part of the dam (the edge of the rectangle/square base). Count how many rope loops are suspended over the water.
Step 7
Repeat the procedure across the dam until you find the edge of the base on the other side — closer to your assistant. Again count the number of loops that are suspended over the water.
The difference in the number of loops suspended over the water from one side of the base to the other will give you the length of the base of the dam.
Step 8
Record the length and depth of the base.
Step 9
Repeat steps 4–8 at right angles to your first measurement line.
You now have measurements for the base of the dam (length and breadth) and the dam depth.
Step 10
Measure the surface dimensions of the water. Pace the length and breadth of the bank at the water surface for rectangular or square dams.
Round dams can be measured by pacing the circumference of the bank at water level. Then divide this distance by 3.142 (π) to calculate the diameter.
Step 11
Insert the figures into the following equations to estimate the current water volume. The equations vary according to the type and shape of the dam.
Calculating full capacity
The full capacity of a dam can be calculated using the dam's dimensions measured earlier.
Step 1
Measure or pace the sides or circumference of the dam at the elevation of the spillway discharge. This gives you the top measurements when the dam is full.
Step 2
Measure the difference in height between the current water surface and the spillway discharge.
Step 3
Add this measurement to the current depth to calculate the water depth when the dam is full.
Step 4
Insert the new measurements into the appropriate equation below to give you the volume of the dam at full capacity.
Volume of a square or rectangular dam
Volume (m3) = [A + B + (√ (A x B)] x D ÷ 3
Where: A = top surface area (m2)
B = base area (m2)
D = depth (m)
Volume of a circular dam
Volume (m3) = 0.2619 x D x [Td2 + Bd2 + (Td x Bd)]
Where: Td = top diameter (m)
Bd = base diameter (m)
Note: diameter = circumference ÷ 3.142
This simple, cheap and quick technique for measuring dam volumes should be added to your armoury of farm management tools to provide you with an early warning of water shortage problems. You also need to monitor the water quality so you know that the water you have is suitable for what you need it for.
Useful Links:
Mettur Dam Water Level Today
Mettur Dam Water Level History
Tourism in Mettur Dam
About Mettur
About Mettur Dam
Mettur Dam History
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